Returning to School in the Era of the Coronavirus


This page offers resources for school teams who are bringing children back into the building with physical distancing and other precautionary COVID-19-related guidelines in place. Please note that none of these resources are intended to constitute medical advice, and we encourage you to follow all requirements from your local health department and the CDC.


Social Stories

Social stories explain to children what has changed, and why. You can send home PDFs, or record yourself reading these on Zoom and send home the video before children return. They will also be valuable to read together in the classroom. Learn more about social stories.


Visual Expectations Posters

Visual expectations posters show children how to follow directions. Hang these on the walls in relevant locations to remind children of the new expectations.


No-Touch Greetings

Greetings are an easy way to show children you are glad to see them. While we cannot use touch-based greetings at this time, encourage children to choose one of these no-touch greetings options. Learn more about Greetings.


Strong Start

Building students’ feelings of safety, connection, and belonging in the classroom is more important than ever. Strong Start is still a valuable routine that can be done in physically distanced ways. Learn more about Strong Start.


Classroom Jobs

Children build self-esteem and confidence through meaningful contributions to the classroom community. Jobs can be COVID-safe - check out our deck of examples and job icons for virtual and physically distanced jobs. Learn more about Classroom Jobs.
